A non-profit completely volunteer organization made up of businesses, nonprofits and engaged individuals whose mission is to initiate, support and advance economic, civic and cultural growth, enhancing the quality of life in Holiday Island.
Accept the Challenge - come and compete

Thanks to our Sponsors
Island Airco, Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District (HISID), The Farmhouse Restaurant, Sun Fest Market, Shasta Images Photography, Woods Car Care, Hayes Electric, Akdin Refrigeration, El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant, ZLB Astrology, Tarot & Gifts. Bank of 1889, Holiday Island Rotary, Takeaway Travel, Arvest Bank, CS Bank, Holiday Island Lodging, PemBrooke Farms, Ridgeway Renovation Pemberton, Painting, Elks Lodge #1042, C&B Bodyworks, Eagle Rock Construction, AAA Business Systems, Eagle Rock Tree, Reed's Tax Service, K-C Realty - Coldwell Banker, Reed's Tax Service, Nunnley Chevrolet
Thank You to The Upcoming Patriots Day PRINTED PROGRAM 9/8/24 Sponsors
Thank You to The Upcoming Patriots Day CAR SHOW 9/8/24 Sponsors

Donated Trophies





Kiddie Korral

Hwy 23 Band 1-5 pm

Bronze & Hwy 23 Band 1-5 pm
Thank You to The Upcoming Patriots Day BBQ RIB COMPETITION 9/8/24 Sponsors

1st Prize $1,000

9th Prize $100

7th Prize $100

8th Prize $100

6th Prize $100

4th Prize $300

10th Prize $100

2nd Prize $500

3rd Prize $400

5th Place $150

Thank You to Our 5/17-18/24 Bass Tournament Sponsors
"Chamber Chat" Newsletter
Stay in the loop and sign up for the Holiday Island Chamber of Commerce newsletter, the Chamber Chat!